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No. 1(1) (2017): E-conomics
No. 1(1) (2017): E-conomics
1(1) 2017
Historical development and practical implementation of quality management philosophy
M.A.J. Mokh
Concept of working conditions and their improvement at the enterprise
О.М. Snitsarenko
pdf (Українська)
Estimation of economic efficiency of automatic control systems
O. Avdeeva
pdf (Русский)
Implementation of the energy saving strategy as a means of increasing the economic potential of an industrial enterprise
Y.S. Adamenko
pdf (Українська)
Time management as a means of improving the effectiveness of the manager
M.B. Artemenko
pdf (Українська)
Problems of improving the efficiency of enterprise and personnel management
D.O. Vashchenko
pdf (Українська)
Directions of automation of the system of balanced indicators of the enterprise on the basis of modern software
O.V. Koval
pdf (Українська)
Estimation of efficiency and investments for modernization and updating of basic means of production
E.V. Kovalev
pdf (Українська)
Agile as a key concept for imroving business and companies management in general
А.А. Kolod'ko
pdf (Українська)
Innovation as a component of the competitive potential of the enterprise
O. Kolotiuk
pdf (Українська)
Use of modern methods of motivation personal in the enterprise
S.A. Muratova
pdf (Українська)
Characteristics of risks in the hotel business and ways to minimize them
I.E. Khaustova
pdf (Українська)
Actual issues of innovative development and strategies of chemical enterprises on the example of glass products production
A.G. Khudenko
pdf (Українська)
Managing profits at an enterprise in market conditions
T.S. Tsovma
pdf (Українська)
The role of marketing innovations in the enterprise
I.O. Herashchenko, H.O. Savchuk, N.V. Shcherbak
pdf (Українська)
Increase of competitiveness of the enterprise in modern conditions
M.M. Veriutina, T.Y. Semenchuk, N.P. Tkachova
pdf (Українська)
Hanging the efficiency of using the working time of equipment
V.A. Alexandrova, E.O. Opariі, M.E. Vorzheinov
pdf (Українська)
Features of promotion of products of the chemical industry to B2B markets
A.R. Zdoryk
pdf (Українська)
Development of models of intellectual data analysis in process management of enterprises
A.I. Lubivec
pdf (Русский)
Improvement of the system of marketing researches at the enterprise
T.Y. Semenchuk, M.M. Veriutina, N.P. Tkachova
pdf (Русский)
Network Marketing. Disadvantages and Advantages
A.V. Motovilnik
pdf (Українська)
Place of sales system in the marketing activity of the enterprise
O.V. Zinovieva
pdf (Українська)
Efficiency of scientific and technological progress and its importance FOR Ukraine
Y.S. Bondarenko
pdf (Русский)
Theoretical and methodological support for the formation of investment attractiveness of the enterprise
A.S. Hrosul
pdf (Русский)
Portfolio investment strategies on the securities market
K.Y. Zhuravel, D.V. Korobkov
pdf (Русский)
Trends and peculiarities of management of innovation and investment processes
A.A. Kurchenko
pdf (Українська)
Estimating the value of an enterprise based on the EVA model
O.V. Lisova, D.V. Korobkov
pdf (Українська)
Theoretical Aspects дослідження поняття інвестиційної діяльності
D.V. Sivokon
pdf (Українська)
Management of changes in power plants in the context of the transition to a new model of the energy market in Ukraine
O.V. Ovetska, V.V. Zharska
pdf (Українська)
Competitive potential of the enterprise: the essence of the concept
T.V. Romanchik, E.V. Pavlenko
pdf (Українська)
Establishing the interaction of the power of business and society in market conditions
N.I. Lysenko
pdf (Українська)
Economic problems and perspectives of the chemical industry of Ukraine
C.І. Sack
pdf (Українська)
Migration problems in Ukraine
I.B. Zadorozhnaya
pdf (Русский)
Gameimization as an innovative method for managing generations Z
T.V. Lazorenko, S.Yu. Zinchuk
pdf (Українська)
Development of models of intellectual data analysis in process management of enterprises
O.I. Belly
pdf (Українська)
Formation of relations in the system of management of communal property
A. S. Koliesnichenko
pdf (Українська)
Tools of state regulation of the provision of hotel services
A.S. Koliesnichenko
pdf (Українська)
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